More Recess | Less Work

More recess in school improves children's physical health, enhances social skills, and boosts focus and academic performance.

No Report Cards

Eliminating report cards in school can reduce student anxiety, foster a more holistic approach to learning, and encourage a focus on mastery rather than grades.

Electronics Access

Increasing the use of electronics in school helps prepare students for the real world by developing essential digital literacy skills and familiarizing them with technology they will encounter in future careers.

Meet Reagan Liller

Hi, I'm Reagan Liller, and I'm excited to run for class president! I'm a Republican that loves basketball, soccer, and Trump. I've always believed that our class has the potential to do amazing things, and I'm ready to make that happen. Whether it’s getting longer recess, cellphones in class, or taking less school work home, I’m committed to making your voice heard.

If elected, I promise to listen to your ideas, fight for our class, and make sure that our school year is one to remember. With your support, we can make school great again!

Also, taxation is theft.

- Reagan


Pete Hegseth

TV Host, Fox & Friends

“I trust Reagan Liller to deliver decisive leadership. She's a 4th grader who not only believes in liberty, she knows how to get the job done."

Glenn Jacobs

Mayor of Knox County

and Former WWE Wrestler

"I've never seen a candidate so dedicated to academic reform and recess expansion! With this kid in charge, we'll finally get the extra playtime we deserve."


Wishes to Remain Anonymous

“I don’t give my endorsement lightly. But I know Reagan will take a sledgehammer to the elementary deep state. She can’t be bought. A true independent voice not only for 4th graders in Maryland, but across these United States."

Adam Hertz

House District 96,
Montana House of Representatives

Reagan Liller brings the bold, practical leadership this 4th grade class desperately needs. She’s principled, but she’s pragmatic. A true Margaret Thatcher for the 21st century.

Tim Chermak

Platform Marketing CEO

“Reagan Liller understands the national debt she’s going to inherit someday. Rather than complaining, she’s doing something about it. Reagan Liller isn’t part of the problem. She’s part of the solution, and I’m proud to endorse this 4th grade patriot. Though she be but little, she is fierce.”

Connor Boyack

Tuttle Twins

Paid for and organized by Friends of Reagan Liller PAC